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Monday, February 16, 2009

Life through a snowflake shape!!

In winter time I have this fascination of looking at snow flakes and their amazing shape. Its just a master piece of symmetry. Physicists may attribute this perfect symmetry to many scientific phenomenon. In fact they say that even a snow flake follow that "Golden Ratio" rule. An interesting concept to ponder through......it is something which I cannot explain in simple sentences or I can say I am not that intelligent enough to put it in few words. Whatever may be the case, let me keep all these scientific concepts aside and put some philosophical thought to it for sometime ;-)
      During this winter time whenever I happen to hit the road while snowing, I spend most of time looking at the snow flakes falling on my car glass. Even a smallest of the small flake tends to retain its beautiful shape through the heavy winds and reach its destination with all the glory :) in spite of the fact that it is going to loose all its beauty pretty soon.Every creation around us is able to do some justice to its very existence in one way or other without any fear of loosing itself. Then why alone human beings!!! We try to make our lives so secure that we are ready to bend ourselves in any form that keeps us moving!! If that new form gives us right attitude then there is no issue but if it is the other way round then what sense does it make to assume those forms!!!We need not be like a snow flake which bears all the winds to retain its shape but at least try to mould ourselves in a right way during difficult times. Anger, jealousy, hatred, pride, fear etc. all these are various unwanted forms each of us try to take during difficult situations. No one is exception to those. Of course I know we are all humans and to err is human. But as kids we were able to correct all our mistakes and learn!! why not now? Let us not be blinded by all these vicious thoughts anymore no matter what may come!! I think I scribbled enough philosophy for today ;-) Just want to end this with a nice quote I read today from my little friend "It's true, some wines improve with age. But only if the grapes were good in the first place." How true? If you have a right attitude everything should be perfect like a snow flake shape ;-)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

What Color Girl Are You?

You Are A Green Girl

You feel most at home in a world of ideas.

You're curious and logical - and enjoy a good intellectual challenge.

You're super cool, calm, and collected. Very little tries your patience.

Your only fear? People not realizing how smart and able you are!

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year 2009

With New promises to keep...
New dreams to fulfill...
New goals to reach...
New joys to discover...

Let us step into another brand new year....another chance to get all the things right.

May 2009 bring you all success, happiness and the beginning of brighter tomorrows.

Wish you all a very Happy New Year.
(picture courtesy: http://www.google.com/. Felt just amazed with thier creative outburst. )