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Friday, August 01, 2008

Our Epics!!!

A couple of days back when me and my friends were browsing through the net for some information on the Yaksha prasnas, I came through this interesting pic. hmmm...let me give some basic details of what these Yaksha Prasnans are infact?? These were the questions posed to Yudhistir i.e. the eldest brother of Pandavas by Yaksha(an incarnation of Lord Yama).Now coming back to the picture, this caught my attention very much, It looks pretty interesting!! Isn't it? Everyone of us (hopefully) will be able to make it out what this picture is about. Yep!!This picture is speaking about our epic Mahabharata. We were able to reveal every part, the picture was trying to convey.Somehow I feel that our generation is lucky enough to learn and know about our great epics Ramayan, Mahabharat, Bhagavatam etc.may be through our parents or grand parents or elders or Ramanand sagar's serials. They taught us about our culture, traditions, ethics and values of human life. I treasure all those memories of my childhood days where we all children in our compound used to gather in one place during night times and exchange those mythological stories and the best part was we have our parents and grand parents to clarify our questions and doubts who have read those epics and understood their essence. Now with this busy, monotonous and hectic life schedule I don't know how much of this knowledge can we transfer to our progeny. Whatever knowledge we have on these epics might be just 1% i.e from the stories heard from our parents or elders or through some story books. But atleast let us try to impart that 1% to them and kindle interest in them to learn about our Indianised definition of human life. A small story on Lord Rama or Lord Krishna may teach them umpteen number of things which we might not teach through kind words.